Monday, October 19, 2009

Yes, I am still here!

Yep, it has been awhile... a long while... but i am going to attempt to somewhat keep up with this, partially because I want to remember the little details, and partially because I want to enter some of the awesom blog parties that are out there.

For some reason, blogging is a little intimidating for me. I have no idea why. And, it seems like the longer I go without writing, the harder it is to jump back in. I guess the feeling of needing to recap everything since September has kept me from posting for awhile. But, instead of going backwards, I am going to just simply start at what prompted me to write today- the feeling of being totally lucky.

I have had a rough couple of days/weeks. Turmoil, so to speak, is flooding the halls of the school i work at as we all attempt to work together, to the best of our ablilites, and do what is best for the kids. It makes for a lot of frustration, and the desire to be professional leaves little room to vent... and I tend to take it out on my husband.

I have also felt a little "homesick". My little house is great and feels very much like home, most of the time, but the long, lonely nights of being a coach's wife (2 sports, nonetheless) coupled with the lack of girlfriends/socialization in my new town and missing my mommy (yes, i am 24 and i still miss my mommy!) have left me somewhat down and the dumps (oh, yes dark, dreary, rainy days and days on end didn't help.) My poor husband... but he is wonderful. Helps with laundry, mows the lawn by the light of the moon, does the dishes when I cook, and never complains.

But today, his school had a holiday (fair day? no fair!) so football was at 8 am and he has been home hard a work ever since. Weeding, cleaning, dishes... and steak for dinner-he's cooking! (and he's a good cook!) Did I mention I love him?

So, my jump back into the blog-o-sphere is to remind me when i forget, that i am, in fact a very lucky girl.
(yes, i did cut my hair-yay locks of love!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm also an elementary teacher...well i will be when i graduate next may! I recently went through a "to cut or to not cut" and I cut but now im desperately missing my long hair. good ;uck finding the big fork and spoon!
