Thursday, May 13, 2010
Today is my wonderful hubby's 25th birthday!!! He is wonderful- does laundry, dishes, pretty much any cleaning, takes the dog out every morning, and much, much more! We are just sitting here full of mexican food and ice cream cake. But still, good birthday! (Party with our friends to come on the 22nd!) Love you Clayton! (aka "Coach Hall"!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010
No, not the TV show...:)
So, today I went shopping in Wilmy with my mother-in-law. (So glad we have a great relationship and i love her...) Anyway, while driving to and fro we had some great chats. One of many topics discussed was friends. And it reminded me of one of the things i like least about where i live, here in Eastern NC... my lack of friends. It is the one thing that keeps me from being content with where we live now. All the people i know live at least a few hours away, which is not really conducive for Saturday night wine/game night or quick shopping trips or fun dinner parties, which are all things I really want to do. It is hard to make friends in a place where hardly any young people live. (Ex: Church today- everyone there was over 40 or in high school and younger...) We do get together with friends often- Clayton's friends, all guys, and honestly, i sometimes feel left out and i feel like i know more about how guys think than i ever wanted. I just really want some good girl friends here... but making friends is hard! (especially when you there has to be people to meet first!) I will keep my eyes peeled for 20-something year olds to be my bff's... and see how that works out! ha!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Relationship Quiz :)
Who is your man? the Hubs, Clayton (Ton Ton)
How long have have you been together? 3 years officially next month (but it seems way longer since we were "friends" on his 21st, 5 years ago!)
How long did you date? We hung out for a while during my junior/senior years in college just as friends. We finally started dating officially in May 2007 after I graduated. We got engaged Oct. 24, 2008 and we got married July 25th, 2009.
Who said "I love you" first? Him
Who said "I love you" first? Him
Who is taller? Clayton by about a foot!
Who sings better? probably neither... I hope our kids don't want to be American Idols!
Who is smarter? haha, book smart probably me, but I think we are both fairly smart!
Whose temper is worse? We are pretty even. I gets aggrevated a lot easier than he does, but if either of us loses our temper it is not pretty!
Who does the laundry Usually Clayton does...it is true. I hate laundry. Especially folding. But i do help a lot!
Who does the laundry Usually Clayton does...it is true. I hate laundry. Especially folding. But i do help a lot!
Who takes out the garbage? Clayton :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Clayton, it is directly under the air vent!
Who pays the bills? Clayton again! (Kinda seems like i don't do anything!)
Who pays the bills? Clayton again! (Kinda seems like i don't do anything!)
Who is better with the computer? Me
Who mows the lawn? Clayton once again!
Who drives when you are together? Clayton! (surprised? probably not!)
Who pays when you go out? He does, but it is "our money"
Who is the most stubborn? Me probably
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? He is is guess!
Who's parents do you see the most? His, because they live in the same town. I love them, but i miss mine too!
Who asked who out? Clayton asked me
Who proposed? He did, at the Old Well in Chapel Hill
Who wears the pants? I think we both do. We are pretty equal and compromise alot!
Who wears the pants? I think we both do. We are pretty equal and compromise alot!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dear Blog,
I am truly sorry that you have been neglected for almost 4 months. Many things have happened and they have not forever been recorded in cyberspace :(. Let's do a brief recap:
December: Our first Christmas! Lots of decorating and family fun time! Christmas Eve spent i MA and Christmas day back to W.
New Years: 2nd Annual New Year's Rager at the "Plantation". Great time, great friends! 2009, you will be missed, welcome 2010.
January: We got a sweet little puppy named Mia! So cute.

I turned 25 on the 25th! Wow, 25 years old!

February: 2nd annual Dayton 500 party (still being a redneck...ha) Our first V-day married and the 3rd Ski trip to Snowshoe, WV. (Lots and lots and lots of snow...4 days straight and clayton's truck was half buried.
My poor, neglected blog turned 1.
March: pretended that basketball season was over and that UNC wasn't terrible, hung out with friends a lot.
April: Went on a spring break cruise t0 the Western Caribbean. It was so fun and beautiful! What great spring break!

And that brings us to the present. Back on the blogging train for the time being at least.
I am truly sorry that you have been neglected for almost 4 months. Many things have happened and they have not forever been recorded in cyberspace :(. Let's do a brief recap:
December: Our first Christmas! Lots of decorating and family fun time! Christmas Eve spent i MA and Christmas day back to W.
New Years: 2nd Annual New Year's Rager at the "Plantation". Great time, great friends! 2009, you will be missed, welcome 2010.

I turned 25 on the 25th! Wow, 25 years old!
February: 2nd annual Dayton 500 party (still being a redneck...ha) Our first V-day married and the 3rd Ski trip to Snowshoe, WV. (Lots and lots and lots of snow...4 days straight and clayton's truck was half buried.
March: pretended that basketball season was over and that UNC wasn't terrible, hung out with friends a lot.
April: Went on a spring break cruise t0 the Western Caribbean. It was so fun and beautiful! What great spring break!
And that brings us to the present. Back on the blogging train for the time being at least.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
So, for the past gazillion or so days it has been pouring rain. So much so that they have delayed school for 2 hours twice this week not counting no school on wed. for veterans day. It was the perfect time to clean, lay around the house, and to experiment with some tasty dinner meals... I have been reading several blogs that post recipies from time to time and joining the rest of the bloggosphere in reading the Pioneer Woman, so i figured i was ready to venture out and whip up a lovely meal of my very own.
I decided to make a lovely meal of pan fried chicken with some oven-roasted/cooked in a foil pack/what-ever-you-wanna-call-them veggies (aka what was in the fridge). The chicken was, in fact, de-li-cious... the vegatables? Um, not so much. I don't know what happend...either i cooked them too long, or the combo of "stuff" i put on them is not good together, or asparagus really shouldn't be cooked with other vegatables, especially when it may or may not have been as fresh as we would have liked... who knows, but whatever it was-it was NOT good. My portion went straight to the trash. My poor husband had to go half hungry (don't worry, i fed him a snack later!)
I can't say that i have given up "experimental" cooking for good, but i may need to stick a little closer to instructions for a bit longer...my hubby will probably thank me for it!!!
I decided to make a lovely meal of pan fried chicken with some oven-roasted/cooked in a foil pack/what-ever-you-wanna-call-them veggies (aka what was in the fridge). The chicken was, in fact, de-li-cious... the vegatables? Um, not so much. I don't know what happend...either i cooked them too long, or the combo of "stuff" i put on them is not good together, or asparagus really shouldn't be cooked with other vegatables, especially when it may or may not have been as fresh as we would have liked... who knows, but whatever it was-it was NOT good. My portion went straight to the trash. My poor husband had to go half hungry (don't worry, i fed him a snack later!)
I can't say that i have given up "experimental" cooking for good, but i may need to stick a little closer to instructions for a bit longer...my hubby will probably thank me for it!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
It is pouring rain, just finished a great dinner of stir-fry veggies and shrimp with rice, there is no school tomorrow, and me and the hubs are about to curl up and watch a movie (the proposal), glass of duplin wine in hand. Looking forward to sleeping it a bit tomorrow while listening to the rain fall... :)
After a stressfull couple of days, (parents can be crazy... the life of a teacher...) I am excited for a mid-week break!
After a stressfull couple of days, (parents can be crazy... the life of a teacher...) I am excited for a mid-week break!
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